Emotional support birb
"Pshf, you kidding, Abby?" Sweetie Belle scoffed, waving a hoof. "You've got more fluff than most mares I see! ouExcept thoside ofin magazines, but everypony knows theirs is fake. _*You,_* on the other hoof, are _*au naturale._*" She tossed Apple Bloom a wink. "I've felt it, too. So soft! It's like petting every puppy in the pet store."
"I-it's not that big..." Apple Bloom muttered, glancing at her chest fluff, her face lighting up like a red Hearth's Warming light.
"I-it's not that big..." Apple Bloom muttered, glancing at her chest fluff, her face lighting up like a red Hearth's Warming light.