Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Terminal Rex on image #1431619

Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
I knew from the start I'd like flurry heart, If only because of her adorability. It was one of my very first comments I think. I just wish they're was a bit more slapstick reguarding her huge wings. Like, she's always tripping on them or getting caught in gusts of wind or something.
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
I knew from the start I'd like flurry heart, If only because of her adorability. It was one of my very first comments I think. I just wish they're was a bit more slapstick reguarding her huge wings. Like, she's always trippin on them or getting caught in gusts of wind.
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
I knew from the start I'd like flurr heart, If only because of her adorability. It was one of my very first comments I think. I just wish they're was a bit more slapstick reguarding her huge wings. Like, she's always trippin on them or getting caught in gusts of wind.
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex