"[@Background Pony #05EA":](/1424021#comment_6080138
[bq="Background) Pony
>#05EA"] Heh, just realised, this would fit in well with that alternate timeline story where Good King Sombra's in charge and the Mane Six are various animals and insects.
> Rainbow - Siren
> Fluttershy - Spider
> Rarity - Octopus
[bq="Ereiam"]) "
> [@Background Pony #05EA":](/1424021#comment_6080138
> Makes me wonder what CouchCrusader has planned for the rest of the mane 6.[/bq]
I'm really hoping I start to answer these questions soon.
Also, is Rarara sweating? In the ocean? Ah, even when she's flustered, her coiffure remains in impeccable condition
> Rainbow - Siren
> Fluttershy - Spider
> Rarity - Octopus
> [@Background Pony #05EA
> Makes me wonder what CouchCrusader has planned for the rest of the mane 6.
I'm really hoping I start to answer these questions soon.
Also, is Rarara sweating? In the ocean? Ah, even when she's flustered, her coiffure remains in impeccable condition