Let me fix that for your shipping enjoyment...
Rarity : Uhh.. Pinkie? I, I don't know wha-...
**Pinkie Pie kisses Rarity, which Rarity eventually kisses her back. After minutes of making out, they broke the kiss**
Pinkie Pie : Heh, sorry, Rarity. I didn't mean to do that. I-I just... **sighs**
Rarity : That's okay, Pinkie, I know about your feelings towards me, we're just here, having a good time, dontcha' know?
Rarity : Uhh.. Pinkie? I, I don't know wha-...
**Pinkie Pie kisses Rarity, which Rarity eventually kisses her back. After minutes of making out, they broke the kiss**
Pinkie Pie : Heh, sorry, Rarity. I didn't mean to do that. I-I just... **sighs**
Rarity : That's okay, Pinkie, I know about your feelings to