Viewing last 25 versions of comment by cloudkicker108 on image #1408441

Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday


In the season five premiere and finale, she was playing the role of the antagonist, and thus was under a very different light than what is cast on her now. In the season six premiere, she was part of the B story for most of the two-parter. Only in the season six finale was she the central focus of the episode.

Back to to the main point, though, her appearance in such episodes still doesn't qualify her as a "Creator's Pet". If she were, then by definition she would have to appear in the majority of episodes, or if that's not the case, her character would still be played up or at the very least acknowledged in episodes where she does not appear. That cClearly did noeither happen.ed in season six.
No reason given
Edited by cloudkicker108
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday


In the season five premiere and finale, she was playing the role of the antagonist, and thus was under a very different light than what is cast on her now. In the season six premiere, she was part of the B story for most of the two-parter. Only in the season six finale was she the central focus of the episode.

Back to to the main point, though, her appearance in such episodes still doesn't qualify her as a "Creator's Pet". If she were, then by definition her character would still be played up or at the very least acknowledged in episodes where she does not appear. That clearly did not happen.
No reason given
Edited by cloudkicker108