The Pink Samurai takes down a Smiling Doll assassin from the Cult of Laughter.
This drawing is based on the story written by
The Kobold Necromancer and the cover made by cuttieartgirl. Which in turn, is based on the fictional Warhammer-style universe of Equestria Divided made by PoorYorick.
The story by Kobold Necromancer remains unfinished, but its four chapters are a great read. (Note: the story is kinda dark)
The story centers around Pinkie Pie being flung through a portal from present day Equestria, to sixteen years into the future of an alternate universe known as Equestria Divided. A world ruled by strife and war caused by the unforseen disappearance of the Royal Sisters and the great divide between ponies when it is revealed that the sun and moon are still moving.
In a failed attempt to unify the land, the Main Six have forsaken their friendships and split into six warring factions, bent on taking Equestria for their own. Pinkie Pie of past Equestria is forced to fight in order to survive a merciless world, find allies of her own and take down the evil alternate versions of her best friends. Including an undead version of her alternate self, who seeks to bring eternal smiles upon the land.
While the drawing is based on Equestria Divided, the pose and action is inspired by the anime series Berserk and the new season of Samurai Jack. But mostly Berserk though, as I listened to this as I drew.