Background Pony #5EFD
Scootaloo: Well? Who’s gonna fight him?

@Background Pony #BAA5  
“Will the tough get going?”
Background Pony #5EFD
Granny Smith: The Fillystines are attacking!

Narrator: “When the going gets tough.”
Background Pony #CA8F
Cloudchaser: Nah, you’re okay.
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@Background Pony #5453  
Flitter:What are you gonna do Scoots? Remember, you’re a little guy. Leave this big stuff to us big people gasps and runs back You think he saw me?
Background Pony #CA8F
Scoots: mad I can’t believe you let him even say that! Somepony’s gotta do something!
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@Background Pony #5453  
Discord:Ugh. No one to fight. They told me that you were the children of Faust.You are cowards. I come back tomorrow.
Background Pony #CA8F
and the camp looks totally empty
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@Background Pony #5453  
Twilight:But King Fancy Pants and his army were so scared of big,tall Discord, they forgot that Faust was even bigger.  
Fili Second:Oh dear

“The scrolls say that the Ponyites were Faust’s chosen ponies. Faust led them through the desert, she helped them walk across the Red Sea, and whenever they went into battle, Faust was there with them. They had always known that if Faust was on their side, no one could stand against them!”
Pinkie: “Wow!”
“But King Fancy and his mares were so scared of big, tall Discord, they’d forgot that Faust was even bigger!”
“Oh dear.”
“Uh, Pinkie, you’ve got something on your uh-”
“Oh never mind. Once again, no one would answer Discord’s challenge.”
Background Pony #CA8F
Twilight: The Scrolls say that the Ponyites were Faust’s chosen ponies. Faust let them through the desert, She helped them trot across the Red Sea, and whenever they went into battle, Faust was there with them. They had always known that, if Faust was on their side, nopony would stand against them.  
Fili-Second: Wow!
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@Background Pony #5453  
Twilight:The children of Faust
Background Pony #CA8F
Fily-Second: The what?
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@Background Pony #5453  
Flitter:Oh cheese in the crust. That tremendous.  
Scoots:Come on girls. Have you forgotten? We’re the children of Faust.
Background Pony #CA8F
the 3 sisters sniff the food  
Cloudchaser: Mmmm~, pizza!
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@Background Pony #5453  
Flitter:What are you nuts? He’d have us for lunch. Speaking of which,what did you bring us?  
Scoots:Here you go.
Background Pony #CA8F
Flitter: Him. That weird creature over there.  
Scoots goes over to see Discord  
Discord: Who will fight me?  
Scoots: to her sisters Well…Who’s gonna fight him?
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@Background Pony #5453  
Flitter:Shh. He’ll hear you.  
Scoots:Who? sheep tips over
Background Pony #CA8F
“Now, Scoots arrived at camp, just about the time Discord was going to come out. So all the Ponyites were hiding.”  
Scoots: Hello? Is anypony here?

Discord: “Who will I fight?” they all run and hide
Twilight: “The Ponyites were so terrified of Discord that they all ran away and hid.”
“Hmm. Nobody will fight. I’ll come back tomorrow.”
“And that’s exactly what he did. Discord came back the next day. And the next day. And the next day, for forty days! But every time he showed up, all the Ponyites ran away and hid! Finally, Granny was starting to worry about her girls, so she sent little Scoots to the battlefield with some food.”
Background Pony #CA8F
If I could guess the part you’re referring to…
Fili-Second accidentally gets her hoof stuck to Twilight’s horn  
Twilight: Ah! Pinkie, you’ve got my-  
F-S: Sorry.  
Twilight: You’ve got my-  
Twilight attempts to pull back  
F-S: Twi? Twi-Hold-Hold back. Hold back, Twilight!
Background Pony #CA8F
Twilight: Finally, Granny started to worry about her daughters, so she sent little Scoots with some food.