Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.

Maybe not communism, but it’s not much of a stretch to come up with a monarchy with socialist elements.
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Background Pony #BD40
Literally every communist state has become monarchistic though, at least one of which openly became a hereditary monarchy.
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Background Pony #6792
@Dark Vessel
A communist monarchy makes no sense, though, because that would run counter to basic communist teachings. In true communism there would be no country or nation. The following concept would only conceivably be practised by some collective of workers committee. Even if an elective monarchy could potentially see the set up of the philosophy that from each according to his ability to each according to his need, most elective monarchies go towards a hereditary monarch even if it just means that during the election someone related to the previous monarch takes control which can devolve entirely into a hereditary monarch. In fact the origin of the terms left and right wing stems from the French Revolution where the monarchists sat on the right while the republicans and democrats sat on the left. In the modern day, the right wing is based on the understanding of a natural hierarchy, where some people are just better and more deserving than others, which fits very well with monarchy, while the left wing is based on the idea that all people are equal and deserve equality. It also favours private wealth and land monopolies with private armies, and no public representation, democracy or redistribution in the slightest, and it favours nationalism and hierarchy and doesn’t intend on just quitting anytime soon, therefore it is right wing.
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Dark Vessel
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

@Background Pony #02F9
You could have a communalist/communist monarchist state. Hence monarchism isn’t right wing, since it isn’t impossible to mix with the ‘purest’ / most extreme representation of the left.
Monarchism is inherently authoritarian, but not inherently right.
Background Pony #02F9
@Dark Vessel
Monarchism is inherently right-wing.
Dark Vessel
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

@Background Pony #2966
The left/right dichotomy only really questions how wealth is distributed. Authleft will have the state (as a proxy for the people) in control of it, libleft will have the people (ponies?) in control of it directly somehow, or at least attempt that.
All the wealth in the crystal empire belongs to the state, therefore authleft.
I do question the princesses being so high on the auth scale, considering the freedom of expression we see in Equestria..
Background Pony #2966
and King Sombra for that matter?
Background Pony #2966
How is Chrysalis, an absolute monarch, authleft?
Background Pony #ED53
I think Pinkie would be centre to libright.
Dark Vessel
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Though no welfare systems have been seen. It’s entirely possible that they keep poverty down through an incredibly strong economy, basically meaning that the job market is highly competitive… On the side of the employers. If you’re a worker, businesses leap at you offering jobs kinda thing.

The funniest thing about Equestrian politics is the concept of meritocratic princesses. Don’t give the neoliberals any ideas.
What’s your argument for putting Twilight to the lower left of the other princesses?
Why is Sombra on the left?
Is Chrysalis on the left because their resource (love) is distributed throughout the hive?
Equestria seems like a burgeoning capitalist state with remnants of feudalism. It’s unclear what sort of welfare policies they have, but I doubt it’s a social Darwinist state. The only vaguely poor people that have appeared are some ponies living in the swamp, as far as I remember. Their society emphasizes community organizing, tolerance for alien cultures, and liberal social attitudes. Equestria is like uh, woke feudalism, or something. Seems like the princesses sure be a bit further to the left.
Background Pony #5513
Deletion reason: Rule 6: Do not re-start months old political discussions.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

Wow this compass is so biased that it hurts
Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters

Discord is on the extreme libertarian right. Where all the anarcho capitalists are. Very chaotic indeed.
Not an argument. =P
Background Pony #22FF
Thanks, Nattes. Didn’t know someone would post my edit off of /mlp/. Glad I stumbled onto it while looking for the next thing to jerk off to.  
It seems there’s some controversy for such a small image. Allow me to clear somethings up.
Although, I know the authoritarian right is completely stigmatised, there still exists the concept of a “benevolent dictator” of the such. Kings and Queens can care for their subjects in reality and have, even then is this fiction. To fully explain, I looked at Celestia and Luna’s authority (Up, Down/Authoritarianism, Libertarianism) and how they treat the market. Since Celestia and Luna are monarchs- if Equestria is a monarchy as seems it to be- they would be rightly authoritarian in power. I mean, Celestia is closest thing to a divine ruler, can lead armies, there’s the existence of nobility, we’ve never seen a parliament or any other body of gov’t besides local governers and the throne(s), and other implications can be thrown out there. Albeit, Equestria doesn’t seem to very centralised and the Royal Sisters are would-be Enlightened rulers. Now onto the market, since free trade is abundant and the presumption that regulations are low (just look at Flim and Flam), I would say they’re economically right. Thus, authoritarian right.
Keep in mind, a lot of it is guesswork. Though I’ve looked through the site for examples and a lot of monarch like people are on the authoritarian right.
@Background Pony #10FE  
All treat this like all the comments on Fascism and National Socialism. Largely is Fascism authoritarian to a degree, though collectivist. The ideology practices meritocracy, as in all people do what they can to contribute to society in any way. Any notion of class warfare or conflict was cast aside in place of nationalism. However, class was acknowledged and in place a corporatist system- think of nationalised unions of employees and employers representing specific work fields that discuss economic policies with the government. Free enterprise was welcomed, but only if it did not harm the people of the nation or subvert them. The same principles for National Socialism, but racial policies were in the forefront.
It’s a unique ideology. One that earns the name of “third position.”
@Background Pony #EBD7  
Applejack position kind of fits, as that position is reserved for very patriotic and family minded people, well at least according to the sight. The compass is quite arbitrary, but understanding it is doable. Whereas, for Rarity. From her chain of businesses and her affinity for the high class, one can assume that position is good for her. A real go-getter that wants to climb the corporate ladder. Completely guessed for Twi. She’s a loyalist, but not much else. It’s hard to say anything about her politically, but maybe she’s centralist. Dash doesn’t seem the type to pay attention to politics, but I bet she takes her competitive mindset to heart even in politics in some small way.
>flim flam brothers  
Kek’d. Otherwise, Discord is on the extreme libertarian right. Where all the anarcho capitalists are. Very chaotic indeed.
Duck - "someone befriended them, saved them, coaxed them out of their shell, and showed them that sex is nothing to be afraid of. I’m kind of envious of that rape victim"

@Darth Sonic
just because some crazy people believe in stupid shit doesn’t make it stop being stupid shit to squabble over.
Darth Sonic
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

That may have been true once upon a time, but too many politicians have drank of their own Kool-Aid for that to be the whole truth these days. Or do you think Ted Cruz or Angela Merkel don’t believe their own bullshit?
@Background Pony #7909  
Man, someone on the Far Left was the one to clue me in to this. If anyone had reason to present Fascism as nothing but Right, it would have been him.
Duck - "someone befriended them, saved them, coaxed them out of their shell, and showed them that sex is nothing to be afraid of. I’m kind of envious of that rape victim"

right wing and left wing don’t exist. they’re just lies the plutocrats thought up to try to turn us against each other, squabbling over stupid shit while they walk away with our wallets.
Background Pony #424B
@Darth Sonic  
“And frankly, Fascism, especially Nazi-Fascism, was a bizarre hybrid centrist ideology created from smashing together Far Right (nationalism, revered hierarchy, ethnocentrism, religious dogma, imperialism, etc) and Far Left (destruction of the old class system, focus on the worker, state control, collectivist ideology, self-perpetuation, revolution against monarchy, ect) concepts to create a bizarre ideology of unfocused extremism.”
You’re talking to someone who is skilled in philosophy, saying fascism is birthed from the extremes of both far-right and far-left is both idealist and politically illiterate.  
They don’t seek to destroy the old class system, if they did why the hell would they preserve it with only the wealthy holding state power?  
How the hell can fascism be pro-worker when it literally promotes everything anti-worker?  
How can it be collectivist when it is the most powerful form of individualism?  
Yes, it’s state control, like every other state. Why? Because any nation that doesn’t have some form of state control collapses in to chaos, or is that not obvious.  
Revolution against monarchy? So you are to tell me that just isn’t a common shared belief among more than just the left? It’s only the far left that holds that view? Then what of the American revolutionaries who did just that? You going to call them far-left as they killed natives and oppressed slaves?
“Within the modern political landscape though, with the death of aristocratic power and the monarchists no longer being much of a thing, Fascism has become the new Far Right.”  
You say that like monarchy is a good thing. Also, fascism has always been and still is far-right
Darth Sonic
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

Wait, you mean the folk Im responding to, or Nazis?
Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters

@Darth Sonic  
If you gave them a chessboard, they’d be arguing whether the pieces on the left side should bear aristocratic titles.
Darth Sonic
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

Y’all still insist on saying stupid shit?
I refer you back to this:
@Darth Sonic  
And frankly, Fascism, especially Nazi-Fascism, was a bizarre hybrid centrist ideology created from smashing together Far Right (nationalism, revered hierarchy, ethnocentrism, religious dogma, imperialism, etc) and Far Left (destruction of the old class system, focus on the worker, state control, collectivist ideology, self-perpetuation, revolution against monarchy, ect) concepts to create a bizarre ideology of unfocused extremism.
Within the modern political landscape though, with the death of aristocratic power and the monarchists no longer being much of a thing, Fascism has become the new Far Right.
Background Pony #31FE
“nazi’s’ aren’t right wing” yeah the just practiced capitalism in the extreme. Thats all. They just were incredibly nationalistic economically. Thats all. Its right wing. That doesn’t make the right wing bad, but fascism centers on ‘conservative’(A term to be used loosely) economic ideals.
Background Pony #424B
@Nattes Novgrel  
“Isn’t Venezuela doing that exact thing?”
A lot of Venezuela’s businesses are and have been for years, privatized. Not to mention with the recent election, a far-right party has taken power in the country. Socialists and other leftists in the nation have been getting assassinated by a far-right junta created by the far-right party. Power has been given to major corporations who funded the party for the interest of removing any leftist in the country, and in doing so businesses in the nation have been allowed to regulate their prices to high levels and hoard their supply if wish, which they have.  
So your argument is?
Background Pony #424B
“Fascism is not a right wing ideology, despite what left wing sources would have you believe.”
Fascism isn’t a right-wing ideology because of some leftist conspiracy, that is a common Nazi argument. Fascism is a right-wing ideology because of the structure of its belief systems and economic/governmental institution. Philosophers who spend their life to study these ideologies have put fascism among the right for the reasons of belief in intertwining racial superiority with government and societal culture. It is the merger of the most powerful and wealthy of private interest with state power. It is the promotion of imperialism and repression of ethnic groups both national and international. Fascism isn’t anywhere left, because their belief and economic systems, are closely tied to right-wing beliefs. They share more similar belief systems with monarchs and conservatives than they do with the left liberals.
“Think about it. Under fascist doctrine, the state controls every aspect of society and life. Big government is a left wing ideal.”  
Okay TPUSA  
But no, seriously, there is no such thing as small government. Small or no government leaves a country/region weak and almost useless, if not chaotic. Even the small government utopia that conservatives circejerk over is centralized and bureaucratic in the interest of big business. That is why the small government that the right-wing conservatives pray for, is actually code for “more power to big businesses” and that is why, along with the big businesses being republicans, that the conservative party of the GOP is a big business party.
“Hell, the even word “Nazi” is short for “National Socialist German Workers’ Party.” The Nazis were liberals.  
Enjoy that red pill.”  
The Nazis in Nazi Germany merged corporate power with state power, they gave corporations positions in government policy making, leftists don’t do that.  
The Nazis in Nazi Germany targeted ethnic minorities, leftists don’t do that.  
The Nazis in Nazi Germany destroyed unions and civil rights movements, leftists don’t do that.  
The Nazis in Nazi Germany killed socialists, anarchists and communists, leftist don’t do that.  
The Nazis in Nazi Germany believed in privatization of everything, leftists don’t do that.  
Everything Nazis did was anti-left, anti-liberal, anti-centrist, etc. What they did was a far-right’s wet dream.  
Your argument is useless.