CMC Scootaloo
It's all just based on experience. The complaints against Starlight started after the Season 5 Finale, because many people couldn't put themselves into her horseshoes and were unable to relate to her and her suffering in the past after Sunburst left her, since they either never experienced such a thing happening to themselves or because they did, but had more luck than Starlight afterwards or were more mentally stable than she is.
So they thought her actions are inexcusable and expected punishment for her, but that didn't happen, so they got disappointed over that and started to hate her even more and refused to forgive her for what she did.
Which is pretty petty and a sign for them being revenge-thirsty, rather than desiring justice for Starlight, since Starlight stopped her actions voluntarily and realized what she did wrong + agreed to learn about friendship and how to really make friends again with the help of Twilight, so that she won't do this again, which makes punishment for her redundant and would make that needlessly cruel.
That mindset died pretty much out over the course of Season 6, but a few remain who hate her and who keep their strong feelings towards her, still refusing to forgive her.
And since they refuse that and still want to see her ending up in jail or whatever punishment they deem necessary to fulfill their thirst for revenge and punishment, they get riled up seeing her doing great things, even though she makes up for her actions by stopping villains while demonstrating that she has learned her lesson.
Which is something they don't acknowledge, because admitting how Starlight Glimmer has become better as a person would mean they can't justify their hatred for her as well as before anymore, so they need to come up with different "reasons" to hate her. Which they do by pretending she's stealing their favourite characters the spotlight and holding that against her, by calling it a flaw of the arc or the Season 6 Finale that she "got build up by shoving the Mane Six aside".
Which is, of course, nonsense, an issue or arc or episode is not flawed because a character they don't like is the big and shining hero and neither because the characters they love got defeated or incapacitated by a villain.
Such things are subjective, cause you can't please everyone by catering to them with their favourite characters getting the spotlight, and therefore, it does not qualify as an objective flaw when certain characters get to save the day while others don't.
Which the haters of Starlight Glimmer of course can't or don't want to realize, for the aforementioned reasons of the deeply ingrained hatred towards her in them.
So, TL;DR is:
The most hardcore Starlight Glimmer haters will always hate her and never stop. The more great things we see her doing, either in the show or the comics, the more they will hate her, because they don't like the creators deciding to give her spotlight that detracts screentime from the Mane Six or other characters they love.
They don't hate her because of being a "flawed character", as they always claim it, they hate her simply for being there where, as they believe, their favourite characters should be and hold a grudge against her simply for taking away screentime from those beloved characters of them.
The claims of her "flawing" episodes or comic arcs by saving the day alone, rather than the Mane Six or Celestia and Luna doing that, is merely something they made up to justify their hatred against her.
This is a very simple issue of "Your favourite character vs. my favourite character" and if Starlight Glimmer wins this imagined competition, her haters get angry and the sky is in flames.
And this is not an issue about just differing opinions either. They can have the opinion to not like Starlight Glimmer because they rather see other characters getting the spotlight, characters they actually like.
But claiming that the writers create objective flaws for showing a character they hate saving the day is not expressing an opinion anymore, it is making things look like objective facts even though they aren't, and just their own, subjective desires.
Which is not the worst that comes out of this hate against Starlight Glimmer, I've seen uglier things like that, up to straight insults and name-calling of writers and even calls for them to get fired or denied writing, for not giving their favourite characters the roles they want for them. Which, no matter how much one turns it around, crossing the line.
I'm accepting of people having different opinions. But, mind me for this if you want, I'm not accepting of fans believing they are special little snowflakes and deserve to get acknowledged and catered to and who get nasty if they don't get what they want. Especially not if they reach for such low behavior as the behavior I mentioned up there.
I would advice such people to be mature about it and realize that their favourite characters can't always be in the spotlight or save the day in a show with such a huge manecast, and therefore being content with it having such a great show at all, and to realize that they can't and won't always get what they want in life, but having had a few talks with such people, I don't come to expect this maturity from them anymore and have given up on such attempts.
Scootaloo Fanclub Member
It's all just based on experience. The complaints against Starlight started after the Season 5 Finale, because many people couldn't put themselves into her horseshoes and were unable to relate to her and her suffering in the past after Sunburst left her, since they either never experienced such a thing happening to themselves or because they did, but had more luck than Starlight afterwards or were more mentally stable than she is.
So they thought her actions are inexcusable and expected punishment for her, but that didn't happen, so they got disappointed over that and started to hate her even more and refused to forgive her for what she did.
Which is pretty petty and a sign for them being revenge-thirsty, rather than desiring justice for Starlight, since Starlight stopped her actions voluntarily and realized what she did wrong + agreed to learn about friendship and how to really make friends again with the help of Twilight, so that she won't do this again, which makes punishment for her redundant and would make that needlessly cruel.
That mindset died pretty much out over the course of Season 6, but a few remain who hate her and who keep their strong feelings towards her, still refusing to forgive her.
And since they refuse that and still want to see her ending up in jail or whatever punishment they deem necessary to fulfill their thirst for revenge and punishment, they get riled up seeing her doing great things, even though she makes up for her actions by stopping villains while demonstrating that she has learned her lesson.
Which is something they don't acknowledge, because admitting how Starlight Glimmer has become better as a person would mean they can't justify their hatred for her as well as before anymore, so they need to come up with different "reasons" to hate her. Which they do by pretending she's stealing their favourite characters the spotlight and holding that against her, by calling it a flaw of the arc or the Season 6 Finale that she "got build up by shoving the Mane Six aside".
Which is, of course, nonsense, an issue or arc or episode is not flawed because a character they don't like is the big and shining hero and neither because the characters they love got defeated or incapacitated by a villain.
Such things are subjective, cause you can't please everyone by catering to them with their favourite characters getting the spotlight, and therefore, it does not qualify as an objective flaw when certain characters get to save the day while others don't.
Which the haters of Starlight Glimmer of course can't or don't want to realize, for the aforementioned reasons of the deeply ingrained hatred towards her in them.
So, TL;DR is:
The most hardcore Starlight Glimmer haters will always hate her and never stop. The more great things we see her doing, either in the show or the comics, the more they will hate her, because they don't like the creators deciding to give her spotlight that detracts screentime from the Mane Six or other characters they love.
They don't hate her because of being a "flawed character", as they always claim it, they hate her simply for being there where, as they believe, their favourite characters should be and hold a grudge against her simply for taking away screentime from those beloved characters of them.
The claims of her "flawing" episodes or comic arcs by saving the day alone, rather than the Mane Six or Celestia and Luna doing that, is merely something they made up to justify their hatred against her.
This is a very simple issue of "Your favourite character vs. my favourite character" and if Starlight Glimmer wins this imagined competition, her haters get angry and the sky is in flames.
And this is not an issue about just differing opinions either. They can have the opinion to not like Starlight Glimmer because they rather see other characters getting the spotlight, characters they actually like.
But claiming that the writers create objective flaws for showing a character they hate saving the day is not expressing an opinion anymore, it is making things look like objective facts even though they aren't, and just their own, subjective desires.
Which is not the worst that comes out of this hate against Starlight Glimmer, I've seen uglier things like that, up to straight insults and name-calling of writers and even calls for them to get fired or denied writing, for not giving their favourite characters the roles they want for them. Which, no matter how much one turns it around, crossing the line.
I'm accepting of people having different opinions. But, mind me for this if you want, I'm not accepting of fans believing they are special little snowflakes and deserve to get acknowledged and catered to and who get nasty if they don't get what they want. Especially not if they reach for such low behavior as the behavior I mentioned up there.
I would advice such people to be mature about it and realize that their favourite characters can't always be in the spotlight or save the day in a show with such a huge manecast, and therefore being content with it having such a great show at all, and to realize that they can't and won't always get what they want in life, but having had a few talks with such people, I don't come to expect this maturity from them anymore and have given up on such attempts.