Name: Jinni
Age: 21 (50,000 Years, but cannot age)
Personality: Comical, kind, easily flustered (Romantically), not very bright.
Likes: New things, animals, swimming, romance novels, sandwiches, chocolate, others that are nice to her, sunsets, Gumdramon.
Dislikes: Being in her lamp, mean masters,
Fears: Being trapped in her lamp forever.
Abilities: Transforming, animating objects, creating almost everything out of thin air, floating/flying… in short, UNLIMITED COSMIC POWER!!!
Notes: She used to be normal pony, but that all changed when she broke her mother’s rule and ran into the woods late at night. She found a crystal lamp in a tree and grabbed it, thinking the legend was true and she would get three wishes from the genie. Unfortunately, once she grabbed the lamp she was sucked into it and transformed into a genie. After that, she started felt said that she wouldn’t find true love or see her family again. But worst of all, she wouldn’t be able to apologize to her mother.