2nd place of the Mistletoe Poll get this as a prize!Happy holidays, everyone!Now, I know many people felt 2016 has been a terrible year and have a bad memory of it. Trust me, I know first hand about sadness, pain, loss and suffering this year, and the struggle to keep going. But throughout this whole year, I’ve been keeping a smile on my face, and faith in my heart, and I seriously advice all of you to do too. No matter how dark, there’s always light, and no matter how deep, rock bottom you feel you are, there’s a way out. You are not alone, you’re never alone. If you ever feel there’s no one around to help you, then message me, I’m here. Someone’s always there, you’re never alone. There’s always family, friends, or someone that cares about you. You’re beautiful, you’re important, you’re worth it. And life is worth living, life is worth smiling for and fighting for. Keep going and keep on smiling, that smile is probably someone’s beacon in the dark, and maybe by smiling, you’ll make them smile, and find your own beacon in the dark.Cheers and love for this next day, week, month, year, and for a whole lifetime of smiles.