or Pony Plaything
Wow now that took some time finding poor Rainbow Dash. Getting lodged deep inside of The Princess's flank. After dragging out the traumatized blue pegasus. Celestia In a very sensual voice, suggested another exploration missing. To search for a few former pony lovers. That may or may not of been "accidently". Shoved deep into her flank over the years. During a moments of hot passionate love making. Without any hesitation I violented to search. Quickly gathering up got some supplies and camping gear. Before sitting out on my long journey inside her magnificent flank.
It's been two days inside of her now. I finally getting use to the foul stench and, dirty walls around me. But theirs been no sign of any other pony yet. I am beginning to believe The princess. May have accidently shoved me into the wrong hole.
It's been two days inside of her now. I finally getting use to the foul stench and, dirty walls around me. But theirs been no sign of any other pony yet. I am beginning to believe The princess. May have accidently shoved me into the wrong hole.