Maud broke out of her rope bindings and untied her crotch rope and leg bindings. With her new vampony strength, it took about as much effort as eating the cherry on top of a cupcake. The others looked on in silent horror. She picked the ropes off her body like strands of hair from a suit and let them drop to the floor.
“I must feed.” Maud said, her face contorting in crazed hunger. She leered at her horrified sister Marble Pie. Marble squirmed in her ropes, desperate to escape.
“Maud! No! Stop! This is wrong! Fight it!” Marble protested, desperate to burst out of her ropes.
“YOU LEAVE HER ALONE YOU MONSTER!” Limestone Hollered in rage, becoming more and more desperate to escape her bondage.
Mr and Mrs. Pie could only stare into shock, minds frozen in pure fear at what they see, and the realization that could do nothing to help.
Maud reached up to gently rub her victims chin, offering small comfort to Marble Maud even gives Marble a small smile. Pinkie couldn’t help but think that’s so typical Maud, always looking out for her sisters.
Even…..her….despite what Pinkie is do—
Wait, what is she doing?
For the first time in Pinkie’s life, she paused.
As Maud gently feeds on Marble, Limestone starts to slowly sinks in the couch, tears starting to appear on the remaining pies as despair.
Pinkie Pie didn’t like seeing her sisters terrified like this. She especially didn’t care for hurting Maud, even if it was for an eentsy weensy teeny weeny half of half a second. When it happened to her, she was super confused, scared, and hurt. It must have been even worse for them. Family doesn’t do that. What’s wrong with her??
Pinkie walked into the main hall while Maud did her thing with the remaining sisters.
“I don’t want to do this anymore.” She said out loud.
There was a low rumble inside her brain.
“No, I’m not hurting anymore of my family. You can’t make me.”
The low rumble turned into a high pitched buzz that disoriented the vampony, almost knocking her to her feet.
“No! Find someone else! Leave my sisters alone! Leave my Family alone! LEAVE EVERYONE ALONE!!”
The high pitched buzzing became a deafening screech through every synapse in her brain. The… brain-thing that tells you when you get hurt went bonkers! It was like that time she tried to take the cupcakes out of the oven, only her hands were made of her brain this time! She gripped her temples and winced in silent, horrifying, agony as the screech was accompanied by a strange droning.
Pinkie knew how to speak “weird contrived evil brain eldritch monster thing,” and she knew exactly what it was saying: That it owned her. She would do what it commanded, or it would show her pain. Inescapable. Eternal. Pain. It didn’t care about her fellow spawn. If it wanted their souls, she would deliver.
“Okay! Okay! Stop! Please!” Pinkie pleaded with the thing in her brain.
It kept it’s crescendo. Somehow, it didn’t believe her pleas. She needed to be reminded…
Hellfire sale commission for shadowdath who also editted the story