Viewing last 25 versions of comment by ShadTK on image #1307123


"@BWackground Pony #5191":/1307123#comment_5652005
People di
slike the reflectigons arc?

I do
n't mean to sparky a discussion. Opinions, I supposme. I thinkg ibut's the "serious" arc I enjoyed thve rmost of the comics, though. Meta jokes, good art, and I kind of dig the progression.
Reason: not worth going into the discussion now that I think of it
Edited by ShadTK

"@Background Pony #5191":/1307123#comment_5652005
People dislike the reflections arc?

I don't mean to spark a discussion. Opinions, I suppose. I think it's the "serious" arc I enjoyed the most of the comics, though. Meta jokes, good art, and I kind of dig the progression.
No reason given
Edited by ShadTK