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Midnight Moon
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Who Was This Guy Again?
The winds of fate become a whirlwind of change. In one world, they are the beloved leaders of Ponykind. In another, fate is not as kind.




Luna shivered in the cold. Yet another reminder of her failure as a big sister.


Celestia lit up her horn in the night, the light and warmth it provided giving some small comfort to her little sister. The two of them were alone this winter, the kind Gypsy couple having moved away last month. The nights were brutal, and to any other ponies, death from exposure was a constant danger.


No pony knew why they were born this way. The wings of a Pegasus, the horn and magic of a Unicorn, and strength and endurance of an Earth Pony, all multiplied tenfold. Celestia had a connection to the sun that no pony else could claim, and her sister, the moon. The two of them should have been able to manipulate them with ease. They could do alone what it took a league of Unicorn Masters to accomplish.


They had not taken kindly to this, however. The threat to their control was, in their eyes, unacceptable. And so, they placed binding spells upon the celestial bodies, cutting off their connection to the sun and moon. Not entirely, however: The two were so deeply connected to their namesakes, completely separating them would be nearly impossible, and undoubtedly lethal. The Unicorn Masters were not heartless enough to condemn the two foals to death. But while they could draw power from them still, wresting control of them would drain much of their energy, and would surly draw the ire of the Masters.


Their misfortune did not stop with the Masters, however. Others saw them as freaks, as threats to the long established order of things. No orphanage would take them in. No shelter would accept them. Only Celestia's own efforts as a beggar and the occasional show of kindness kept the two of them fed and semi-comfortable. And still, it wasn't enough. Luna still slept in the cold most nights. She insisted that she be the one to use the box and thin blanket at night. As much as it tore at her heart, Luna would not budge on this matter, and the truth was, she was much better adapted to the cold and dark than Celestia was. Celestia may have been connected to the sun, but it wasn't always enough to keep her warm. The moon allowed her sister to withstand much lower temperatures at night than she could. Not that it helped her feel comfortable.


And yet, despite everything, she hwas happy. Luna had her big sister, and that was all she cared about. Her sister's unconditional love for her warmed Celestia's heart more than anything else. She would do anything for her. To keep her safe, fed, and happy, she would endure any torment, overcome any challenge. All for her.



*"You are my sunshine,  

My only sunshine.  

You make me happy,  

When skies are grey.  

You'll never know, dear,  

How much I love you.  

So please don't take  

My sunshine away."*
Reason: typo
Edited by Midnight Moon