Background Pony #8725
This doesn't make sense anymore. This is the first time I've seen anyone insist any of them are seasoned warriors because they kicked around some Changelings once, or they managed to bind a big crocodile another one. The're resourceful, brave and have great coordination yes. But (most of them) aren't warriors. They also never fought any dragons, and they escape from most monsters too. Put almost any of them in front of anything bigger than a pony and she'd run.
PS: The Sonic Rainbowom is the reason why I considered Dash along with Twilight as capable of things beyond what most other ponies can do, but calling it an effecient weapon isn't exactly accurate either, since realistically speaking, she'd end up hurting herself as much or more than her target. Its more of a suicide (at least as much as the show would allow) attack.
This doesn't make sense anymore. This is the first time I've seen anyone insist any of them are seasoned warriors because they kicked around some Changelings once, or they managed to bind a big crocodile another one. The're resourceful, brave and have great coordination yes. But (most of them) aren't warriors. They also never fought any dragons, and they escape from most monsters too. Put almost any of them in front of anything bigger than a pony and she'd run.
PS: The Sonic Rainbo