Sky Stinger could still fly, he just couldn't fly up. Heck, remember him in the flashback as a kid? He was flying easily, trying to get his parent's attention. It was the tricks that he needed a boost on.
Even Fluttershy could fly as a kid, and she hardly seemed the type to practice. I'm convinced flying is engrained in pegasi, especially because all the babies with wings have been shown to fly within the first month.
Sky Stinger could still fly, he just couldn't fly up. Heck, remember him in the flashback as a kid? He was flying easily, trying to get his parent's attention. It was the tricks that he needed a boost on.
Even Fluttershy could fly as a kid, and she hardly seemed the type to practice. I'm convinced flying is engrained in pegasi, especially because all the babies with wings have been shown to fly within the first month.