So as the new day dawned the griffin continued to cool his heels in a palace cell, but for my household we were preparing to meet the new day in my Equestria dreamscape. Last evening had been productive and plans were being made for this weekend.
Except on rare occasions, one of my regular duties is preparing breakfasts for my roommates. Now Petina is a late riser, but Carousel is like me. A early morning spunky type. Besides she needs to have her cart down at the Ponyville market early so she can get the first deliveries of the day taken care of right away.
Her breakfast was the usual. Oatmeal with rum soaked raisins, cinnamon, ground cloves, orange zest, and nutmeg with a dash of cream. She then finished her coffee and went to brushed her teeth. After that she quickly ran a brush through her mane and tail one more time.
Then she trotted over to the row of wrought iron hooks by the mud room and retrieved her carriage harness from its hook, and proceeded to put it on. Like the act of her removing it at the end of the day it is a ritual I have observed hundreds of time but I still find it fascinating to watch. With that task completed she strolled over and gave me a quick kiss. She took her the lunch I had prepared for her. Then she headed out the back door and over to the barn to retrieve her cart. Once she’d hitched herself up, off she went.
I then had my breakfast. I had just about finished my scrambled eggs with sour cream, chives and toast when Petina came out of the bedroom making various groaning sounds. Since she’d gotten up early enough I was able to make her a breakfast of scrambled eggs with mushrooms, shallots and cheese. But I had to leave the morning dishes for her to do because I was on the morning weather shift. After brushing my teeth I grabbed my panniers, goggles, water bottle, and lunch.
I was double-checking that everything was properly stowed when Petina sauntered over and gave me a nuzzling and kiss. “Make sure you’re at work on time. I have a feeling Rainbow is going to make an announcement at the morning meeting. You don’t want to be late for that.”
I smiled returned the kiss. Stepping outside I put on my goggles; then I launched myself into the morning sky. As I looked back I could see Petina standing outside watching me fly away. It was start of another day for me in Equestria.
To be continued.
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