Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Axel_Changeling on image #1267450


"[@Background Pony #D209":](/1267450#comment_5559643
They haven't reformed Tirek, Suri, the diamond dogs, spoiled milk, or that red dragon guy.
(and nightmare moon is still arguably a separate entity from Luna).
No reason given
Edited by Axel_Changeling

"@Background Pony #D209":/1267450#comment_5559643
They haven't reformed Tirek, Suri, the diamond dogs, or that red dragon guy.
(and nightmare moon is still arguably a separate entity from Luna).
No reason given
Edited by Axel_Changeling

"@Background Pony #D209":/1267450#comment_5559643
They haven't reformed Tirek, or Suri, or the diamond dogs, or that red dragon guy.
No reason given
Edited by Axel_Changeling

"@Background Pony #D209":/1267450#comment_5559643
They haven't reformed Tirek, or Suri, or the diamond dogs, or that red dragon guy.
No reason given
Edited by Axel_Changeling