Viewing last 25 versions of comment by AlexMalkavian on image #1264361

Speaking Fancy - Badge given to members that help with translations

Stark raving mad
Title: PON3 is so happy that in S6E6 she was called by her name for the first time
1) "Octavia!"
"Oh! What's up, Vyniny..."
2)"Try saying my name."
"Eh? Vyninyl Scratch..."
3)"It's Dee-Jay PonThree!!!"
"?? ??? ?"
Reason: Typos
Edited by AlexMalkavian
Speaking Fancy - Badge given to members that help with translations

Stark raving mad
Title: PON3 is so happy that in S6E6 she was called by her name for the first time
1) "Octavia!"
"Oh! What's up, Vyni..."
2)"Try saing my name."
"Eh? Vynil Scratch..."
3)"It's Dee-Jay PonThree!!!"
"?? ??? ?"
No reason given
Edited by AlexMalkavian