Dirty Bit
The protagonist of this hilarious series called Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan (Or 'The Disastrous Live of Kusuo Saiki) enjoys the treat that I just said: Coffee pudding.
It actually exists, and I think it's gross. I don't even like regular coffee.
The character himself - Kusuo Saiki - that is, is a powerful esper who only speaks via telepathy/internal dialogue/narration
That's him, officer
The protagonist of this hilarious series called Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan (Or 'The Disastrous Live of Kusuo Saiki) enjoys the treat that I just said: Coffee pudding.
It actually exists, and I think it's gross. I don't even like regular coffee.
The character himself - Kusuo Saiki - that is, is a powerful esper who only speaks via telepathy/internal dialogue/narration