I don't know why I'm here
Gotta get a new bumper first though (Before I got her, some jackass bumped something and broke the front bumper. There's a big crack right down the middle). After I get the new bumper, the whole front end (bumper and grille) will be re-painted in matte black)
Thinking about getting ones like these, which are projectors: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2001-2011-Ford-Ranger-Pair-LH-RH-Halo-LED-Black-Projector-Headlights-Headlamps-/181415969285?fits=Year%3A2006%7CMake%3AFord%7CModel%3ARanger&hash=item2a3d3c0205:g:COYAAOSwyjBW3f49&vxp=mtr
True, but nowadays, everything is getting the halo treatment. I even saw an old 50's Chevy pickup with red LED halos.
Gotta get a new bumper first though (Before I got her, some jackass bumped something and broke the front bumper. There's a big crack right down the middle). After I get the new bumper, the whole front end (bumper and grille) will be re-painted in matte black
Thinking about getting ones like these, which are projectors: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2001-2011-Ford-Ranger-Pair-LH-RH-Halo-LED-Black-Projector-Headlights-Headlamps-/181415969285?fits=Year%3A2006%7CMake%3AFord%7CModel%3ARanger&hash=item2a3d3c0205:g:COYAAOSwyjBW3f49&vxp=mtr
True, but nowadays, everything is getting the halo treatment. I even saw an old 50's Chevy pickup with red LED halos.