Actually, no.
Soarin' told her if she could prove her innocence before the start of the show then she "could fly with us". He did not say if she could not she would be banned.
He also said "**IF** you sent that letter" which implies that he has not solidified his belief on whether she sent the letter or not and implies that they'll have to look into it and that if it turns up positive that she did **then** she would be banned from the Wonderbolts.
World's Smallest Violin
Actually, no.
Soarin' told her if she could prove her innocence before the start of the show then she "could fly with us". He did not say if she could not she would be banned.
He also said "**IF** you sent that letter" which implies that he has not solidified his belief on whether she sent the letter or not and implies that they'll have to look into it and that if it turns up positive that she did **then** she would be banned from the Wonderbolts.