…Wait. I can’t tell if this was meant to be serious or not. I’ve seen people try to debate that Tia can take prime Emps, but this is like…several more rungs up on the ludicrous scale.
I’m just going to give you basic description of Horus. Imagine Master Chief from halo, now imagine that he’s a nerd and a space marine is the jock that bullies him, and has better equipment to boot. Out of the million of marines that exist, the very utmost best of the best of them offer maybe a second or two of difficultly before a primarch will utterly destroy them in combat, and out of the 18 Primarchs, Horus is one of the most skilled of them all.
Also if we use the version of Horus in this picture, not only is he that, but he’s also being empowered by the 40k version of Discord, all 4 of them at once, and has literally vaporized a person by looking at them angrily.
Guys, this is NOT Pinkie Pie.
This is Pinkamena, she doesn’t have her fourth wall breaching powers or her cheerfulness to back her up, all she has is pretentious writers turning her into a retarded pony version of Dexter.
I don’t know who this Horus dude is, but he has fucking power armor, and has the name of a Egypcian god.
She’s boned.
Pinkie pie breaks the 4th wall, but not THAT much, her highest 4th wall breaking feat was the end of “Over A barrel” were she pulls at the credit darkness, but that’s kind of a high end for her, I mean she glances at the screen a few times at average, and teleports despite having no magic, but she’s no “Go to the author, and tell the to remove the character” 4th wall breaker. I can’t recall her ever doing a “Suffer a horrific attack, survive unscratched save for being blackend by ash and go ‘that’s mean’”,, and the fact she has no offensive attacks other then throwing cake at him and annoying him, but then again, if Primarchs have all the powers of a space marine, Horus can yell loud enough to make Luna tell him to quite down (Night Lord trilology has Talos n pals subdue rooms of people by yelling really loud at them until they fall down unconscious), so he can drown out her talking, and I don’t see a cake doing anything to a primarch.
A more interesting match would be Magnus vs Twilight, what with them being the mages of their respective groups.
If you judge character capabilities by visual jokes that are clearly not meant to be taken literally than tom & jerry are invincible genetically modified supersoldiers, stupid comical character became mary sue and defeat much more great guys and everything is generally meaningless. I too can imagine some random green elephant, who is omnipotent and can defeat anyone just because oh and he is stupid and think that rap is only good music. Someone disagree? Well enjoy being brainwashed by him into thinking the same. Hahaha. That’s not cool. Personally I like Pinkie to be perfectly normal human (or pony no difference) being who is cool because she is funny, friendly, optimistic and energetic all the time not because she got superpowers. sorry for bad english
V The only way he can resolve this conflict is agree to be Pinkie’s friend lol. Otherwise, she’s physically invincible and, like the other guys said, can bend laws of physics at will.
One semantic issue. Horus Lupercal wasn’t powered by the warp. He was only Lupercal while he was loyal. I have to side with Lupercal by merit of love for him alone, since I read the Horus Heresy opening trilogy. He was a great man, and I was so sad when he fell. He’s an wise, noble, badass and Pinkie wouldn’t have a hope against him. He’s a strategic marvel, and he’d wise up to Pinkie’s antics before long.
You best be joking. You’re putting a cartoon horse with limited ability to break the fourth wall against Horus Lupercal. A man whose name became the new byword for Traitor in the 40k universe. A Primarch fueled by the full power of the warp and directly possessed by all four Chaos Gods. Nope. Pinkie is fucked unless she’s secretly been a E10 Solar Exalt this entire time. And we all know she’s Sidereal material anyways.
Please guys, Pinkamena has no chance agaisnt Horus. At this state, Pinkie can’t use her 4th wall powers so she wouldn’t being able to fight with all her power.
Atleast if she was in a party with Twilight as DPS caster, Applejack as tank & Fluttershy as a healer they could do something.
Stop having this argument, you guys, by canonical power levels Horus would shred her like confetti and anything else you care to say for either side is pure fanwankery. The hell kind of ridiculous matchup is this anyway?
She’d jump into a warp storm and exit it unscathed. A blast from a Titan’s cannon would leave her with a comically blackened face\mane and eyes rolling in their sockets for a few seconds. Then she pulls out a party cannon from out of nowhere, aaaaand they’re all fucked.
Except the kill-via-fourth-wall thing is just pure fan wank. Pinkamena would be killed by a single SPHESS MEHREEN. Horus was pretty much a demi-god on equal with the freaking God Emperor of Mankind.