It gets better and better the more I listen. The song was kind of hard to follow at first, considering how different it is, but once I got used to it I grew more and more in love.
I would have to say oot
The hairs not poofy enough to be zelda 1 or 2, the hairs not pink enough to be lttp, to adult to be wind waker, He would need 2 more heart containers to be tp, and not enough wings to be ss.
Just imagine if we named him “Trihorse Courage” or “Courage Trihorse”. Or maybe even just to be screwy, “Trotting Link”. Man, any name that exists sounds bad.
I just went with the names that were already on the image. “Link pony” obviously doesn’t work. I think I will make a new poll with Potsherd as an option, I kinda like that name.