Snugs are Drugs for Bugs
Preemptive: This is to the room, to the comment section, not aimed at you, artist-san. c:
Speaking as a millennial, most of us end up living at home for a while because the economy is complete horeseshit. x) Can't afford college without a great job, can't get a good job without college, so the only way college works is 90+ hours a week at three jobs for ten+ years, or being lucky enough to have wealthy parents. Then to add another layer, there's the 'need a car to go to most jobs', and the 'can't afford a car without good jobs' conundrum. I get the stereotypes, but let's not underplay the struggle millennials go through, it is immensely real. If you can't understand that, you're being ignorant.
In the 50's you could afford college as a waitress, look up the math.
The reason Zephyr is being portrayed as not having the drive and motivation is because it's just easier for kids to understand than economics. Sure, a lot of people, millennials and otherwise have Zeph's issues - and I have no doubt there are millennials out there that are bums, just like there are bums in EVERY generation, but the majority of us aren't looking for a free ride from our parents, it's just all we can afford right now.
Thanks, previous generations, for this tip top shape economy!
Speaking as a millennial, most of us end up living at home for a while because the economy is complete horeseshit. x) Can't afford college without a great job, can't get a good job without college, so the only way college works is 90+ hours a week at three jobs for ten+ years, or being lucky enough to have wealthy parents. Then to add another layer, there's the 'need a car to go to most jobs', and the 'can't afford a car without good jobs' conundrum. I get the stereotypes, but let's not underplay the struggle millennials go through, it is immensely real. If you can't understand that, you're being ignorant.
The reason Zephyr is being portrayed as not having the drive and motivation is because it's just easier for kids to understand than economics. Sure, a lot of people, millennials and otherwise have Zeph's issues - and I have no doubt there are millennials out there that are bums, just like there are bums in EVERY generation, but the majority of us aren't looking for a free ride from our parents, it's just all we can afford right now.
Thanks, previous generations, for this tip top shape economy!