@Background Pony #C952
Hmm… Oh really? If she’s so dumb, as you calm, how come she was able to argue with Twilight about Daring Do (and win the argument) back in Daring Don’t? How come she was able to point out the flaw in the rules of the Iron Pony competition (“You never said I couldn’t use my wings”) and used it to beat Applejack in Fall Weather Friends? If she’s dumb how come she was able to get Applejack to let go of the rope by mumbling that she couldn’t hear her and coaxing her into opening her mouth in Fall Weather Friends? How come she was able to blend in with a bunch of changelings and then take them out as they were about to attack Fluttershy in A Canterlot Wedding? How come she is able to point out her own rule (“I said whoever crosses with me gets to be my pet”) to get out of having the falcon as her pet and instead have tank in May The Best Pet Win? How come she was able to get 100% on the Wonderbolt’s history test in Testing, Testing 123?
And dumber than Pinkie? Fuck no. When has that pony ever been able to argue with Twilight and win that argument or score 100% in a test?
Um, I don’t know what show you watched, but she was never the sharpest tool in the shed. She never showed her intellect much either way, just her disdain for learning. Which in of itself implied she was ignorant about a lot of things due to not paying attention, or just not caring. It’s pretty much her character to put physical activity before brains.
Freaking loved dash in this episode; the fact that she seems so PROUD of herself is just what sells it.
Dash being completely thick headed is absolutely adorable and hilarious at the same time; I’d actually even put her below pinkie pie in the mane six for which ones the dumbest of the group.