Background Pony #0FB6
Yes, I’m glad somebody noticed that she was placed in a position where she couldn’t really fight. The “one is the better fighter” theory was kind of bothersome to me because we’ve seen Twi clean house in the Tirek fight. Being a mage is about more than who’s got the highest mana pool imo and Twi also said she didn’t know very much about Eastern Unicorns at the beginning of season 5, so maybe that’s another factor?
The fact Starswirl could do spells that even Celestia and Nightmare Moon were seemingly incapable of proves that with enough skill being an alicorn also isn’t an automatic trump card when it comes to magic. I’m not sure I’m ready to make a call on Starlight’s strength, because I’ve seen multiple references to her being incredibly powerful but then there are lots of other arguments that could imply otherwise. I think maybe we need a little more in depth detail into where and how she learned magic before I make that call personally. For instance Starlight has a lot very strange and unfamiliar spells, and also planned very far in advance as she had been studying Twilight giving her an edge. But also the fact that Twi and Starlight have both rewritten master level mage skills should speak to their talents as mages being quite even imo.
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It’s just my personal opinion, but I believe Twilight would ultimately beat Starlight in an open fight. You saw it the first time they clashed in Cutie Map and again during Cutie Remark: Twilight Sparkle is not only incredibly powerful, she can also learn and memorise spells just by watching them once. At some point, she knows all your tricks and can throw them right back.
The point of the fighting was to show fighting wouldn’t work. The spell was set up so Starlight always had a time advantage and needed just a tiny nudge in order to mess up the race. And whenever the race was interrupted, Twilight was sent away. Even the sight of them fighting triggered it.
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@Background Pony #9FCA
Yeah, basically this.
Also, many people seem to forget the fact that Starlight did not “overpower” Twilight; they were pretty clearly evenly matched overall, but Twilight was more focused on raw power and telegraphing her attacks, whereas Starlight was more skilled but not quite as powerful.
They were BOTH exhausted by the end of their fight.
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@Background Pony #9FCA  
That’s basically how I’m rolling with it.
Background Pony #9F96
in that case, then I must ask BP#B5B9 why that is a problem. Does he mean to say that the only unicorns that are allowed to be absurdly powerful must all come from Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, is that it?  
I actually think having a genius ‘random ass’ unicorn out of nowhere having the magical competency equal or greater than that of educated elites, is a good thing because it makes the world less predictable and more interesting.  
sure it does open opportunities for more ‘random plebs’ to just suddenly be beasts in magic, but I trust the writers won’t make the mistake of making a gazillion magical geniuses to the point that Twilight becomes irrelevant.
Lord WyrmSpawN
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Put Out to Pasture
@Background Pony #9FCA  
The only ones I can imagine not caring about that are the ones that already care about nothing.
Bronze Bit -
Sapphire -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
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@Background Pony #9FCA  
I think BP means “random ass unicorn” in an in-universe sense.
Background Pony #9F96
@Background Pony #B5B9  
Starlight’s no longer a ‘random ass unicorn’ when she’s had nearly as much screen time as any one of the mane 6 this season, so far.  
Besides, you know who else are ‘random ass’? friggin’ Shining Armor and Cadence. They were characters who appeared without setup or foreshadowing, who were suddenly super important. Who could forget Twilight’s bro who she never ONCE mentioned in the two seasons she’s stayed in Ponyville? Now, though? Now they’re okay, bronies mostly have accepted them, they have a baby and the fandom moved on.
Give Starlight two seasons and nobody would care if she becomes a Super Alicorn Goddess complete with a spiky hair and flaming aura–similar to Sunset’s most powerful form to date.

i cant help but tink Mary Sue each time i se her….
Background Pony #C4E9
Personally, I think her encountering the villains from the alternate timelines would be better.  
King Sombra: Congratulations, my dear. Because of you, the Crystal Empire is under my control, and soon all of Equestria will bow before me. Allow me to reward you. (places mind control helmet on Starlight) You are now my servant… forever! Hahahahahahahha!  
Starlight: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
Bronze Bit -
Sapphire -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
A Perfectly Normal Pony - <DragonWraith> fish are not for sexual
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Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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@Background Pony #B5B9  
It’d actually be better if she was an OC; then people could just ignore her and move on.
Background Pony #36C1
Starlights “power” is a load of crap, it’s like the writers didn’t even care. She goes from being knowledgeable with magic, to more powerful than the element of magic herself. Some random ass unicorn more powerful than Twilight? Imagine if she was an OC…

I personally love that Starlight has trouble socializing and putting her past behind. It really compensates for the disaster of her reformation back in the Season 5 finale.
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@Background Pony #E335  
It would be way worse if Starlight didn’t have any baggage. Lots of fans were miffed how the end of season 5 implied she was welcomed with open arms and no consequences whatsoever.
Sunset got to sing that song after Rainbow Rocks showed how hard she was struggling to make up for her past, how painful the process was, and how far she’d come at the end.
Background Pony #431C
So that means Starlight has to defeat the villians now :P also i want to see how she got so incredibly powerfull…
Background Pony #431C
Twi said that Starlight have the power to make Equestria even better place…also when Twilight was learning about friendship her magic was getting stronger right ? so what about Starlight she’s already powerfull even more that Twilight, So if she learns about friendship is she going to be more powerfull ? Twilight knew what she was doing!
Background Pony #4175
Well, the fact that she dodged punishment means that she now owes Twilight something. Oh and remember–Starlight was READY for any punishment, but Twi decided to just keep her around as a pet.  
She’s sulking because she now has to return the favor with interest.  
Also apparently Starlight can’t sing the ‘my past is not today’ song because in every episode she’s been so far this season, the writers made sure, without fail, that Starlight or somepony else revisits, or make reference to her past crimes.  
I get the feeling that Starlight is DHX’ or MLP Staff’s new waifu, but one they like to beat around and yell at to go back to the kitchen.
Background Pony #B960
But her past is so terribly troubled… pfft what a joke.
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@the metal bronyhead  
the heart Starlight first we attack her heart
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Yeah, sometimes I sulk around and cry when I manage to totally escape the consequences of my horrible crimes to.
Background Pony #B960
Oh boo hoo, they all forgave you like nothing.
Dashie41 YT
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She wants to be great again.