Background Pony #0FB6
Yes, I’m glad somebody noticed that she was placed in a position where she couldn’t really fight. The “one is the better fighter” theory was kind of bothersome to me because we’ve seen Twi clean house in the Tirek fight. Being a mage is about more than who’s got the highest mana pool imo and Twi also said she didn’t know very much about Eastern Unicorns at the beginning of season 5, so maybe that’s another factor?
The fact Starswirl could do spells that even Celestia and Nightmare Moon were seemingly incapable of proves that with enough skill being an alicorn also isn’t an automatic trump card when it comes to magic. I’m not sure I’m ready to make a call on Starlight’s strength, because I’ve seen multiple references to her being incredibly powerful but then there are lots of other arguments that could imply otherwise. I think maybe we need a little more in depth detail into where and how she learned magic before I make that call personally. For instance Starlight has a lot very strange and unfamiliar spells, and also planned very far in advance as she had been studying Twilight giving her an edge. But also the fact that Twi and Starlight have both rewritten master level mage skills should speak to their talents as mages being quite even imo.
Yes, I’m glad somebody noticed that she was placed in a position where she couldn’t really fight. The “one is the better fighter” theory was kind of bothersome to me because we’ve seen Twi clean house in the Tirek fight. Being a mage is about more than who’s got the highest mana pool imo and Twi also said she didn’t know very much about Eastern Unicorns at the beginning of season 5, so maybe that’s another factor?
The fact Starswirl could do spells that even Celestia and Nightmare Moon were seemingly incapable of proves that with enough skill being an alicorn also isn’t an automatic trump card when it comes to magic. I’m not sure I’m ready to make a call on Starlight’s strength, because I’ve seen multiple references to her being incredibly powerful but then there are lots of other arguments that could imply otherwise. I think maybe we need a little more in depth detail into where and how she learned magic before I make that call personally. For instance Starlight has a lot very strange and unfamiliar spells, and also planned very far in advance as she had been studying Twilight giving her an edge. But also the fact that Twi and Starlight have both rewritten master level mage skills should speak to their talents as mages being quite even imo.