Background Pony #CC63
Such as how she ruined Winter Wrap-Up when she took over organizing it, or how she utterly failed the CMC when tutoring them in “Twilight Time”?
Yeah, I think you’re taking this discussion in a direction I have no interest in. I certainly didn’t have any sympathy for Starlight Glimmer last season, though she’s earned some from me this season, but I’m not going to argue with someone who disagrees with me on either point.
@Background Pony #CD06
So forgiveness has to be deserved? (And you’ve hit the nail on the head regarding my major complaint about “No Second Prances”; considering Twilight didn’t display any ill will towards Trixie at the conclusion of either of her two previous appearances, the severity of her distrust of Trixie struck me as a plot-driven attitude that was OOC, hypocritical, and damaging to her title as the “Princess of Friendship”.)
Such as how she ruined Winter Wrap-Up when she took over organizing it, or how she utterly failed the CMC when tutoring them in “Twilight Time”?
Yeah, I think you’re taking this discussion in a direction I have no interest in. I certainly didn’t have any sympathy for Starlight Glimmer last season, though she’s earned some from me this season, but I’m not going to argue with someone who disagrees with me on either point.
@Background Pony #CD06
So forgiveness has to be deserved? (And you’ve hit the nail on the head regarding my major complaint about “No Second Prances”; considering Twilight didn’t display any ill will towards Trixie at the conclusion of either of her two previous appearances, the severity of her distrust of Trixie struck me as a plot-driven attitude that was OOC, hypocritical, and damaging to her title as the “Princess of Friendship”.)