In an alternate future Emerald grew into adulthood under Joyride’s teachings. However, despite the vast knowledge he amassed Emerald never shook off the psychological scarring he experienced under his step-parents and selling his body to others only compounded his developing mental issues. So, after “inheriting” Joyride’s various artifacts and her pocket dimensions. He decided to ‘help’ other foals by taking them away from ‘bad’ parents and erasing their memories. Before giving them to ponies who desire young colts and fillies.
It has proven to be a very successful if underground business. With the authorities never finding him due to the magic masking and moving his house. He recently acquired a new filly for his playroom named Treads who came from terrible parents. Very neglectful. Using the focus embedded in his hat he begins to erase those bad memories and replace them with much better ones. One’s of her nice and kind Uncle Lucky.
After all he’s just a nice ol’ Uncle to foals everywhere.
Abused becomes the abuser end.
this is a crossover of these three cyoas:
Colt Quest:
Galloping Steel: