Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Amber on image #1138403


The art is set on tone with a dramatic scene in a comic, even reminds me a bit of one those old school shoujo manga from the 70's-80's. All in the aesthetic sense, of course. Looks pretty good, in my opinion.

And "[@Background Pony #562A":](/1138403#comment_4955691) has a good point. Stepandy's art it's amazing, but she does make the character's OOC for her ship of preference's sake (but well, that's something standard for hentai artists and shipper artists in general, anyway). Here on the other hand, putting all the romantic implications this gives aside, Fluttershy talking with Discord about trust after those events it's something that can be considered plausible.
No reason given
Edited by Amber

The art is set on tone with a dramatic scene in a comic, even reminds me a bit of one those old school shoujo manga from the 70's-80's. All in the aesthetic sense, of course. Looks pretty good, in my opinion.

And "@Background Pony #562A":/1138403#comment_4955691 has a good point. Stepandy's art it's amazing, but she does make the character's OOC for her ship of preference's sake. Here on the other hand, putting all the romantic implications this gives aside, Fluttershy talking with Discord about trust after those events it's something that can be considered plausible.
No reason given
Edited by Amber

The art is set on tone with a dramatic scene in a comic, even reminds me a bit of one those old school shoujo manga from the 70's-80's. All in the aesthetic sense, of course. Looks pretty good, in my opion.

And "@Background Pony #562A":/1138403#comment_4955691 has a good point. Stepandy's art it's amazing, but she does make the character's OOC for her ship of preference's sake. Here on the other hand, putting all the romantic implications this gives aside, Fluttershy talking with Discord about trust after those events it's something that can be considered plausible.
No reason given
Edited by Amber