Source changes for image #1067179

Size: 1920x1222 | Tagged: safe, dragon, g4, my little pony: friendship is magic, official, rainbow falls, appleloosa, applewood, badlands, canterlot, cloudsdale, crystal empire, dodge city, dragons's lair, everfree forest, fillydelphia, griffonstone, hayseed swamp, hollow shades, manehattan, map, map of equestria, mountain, mountain range, our town, ponyville, trottingham, yakyakistan Itsthinking
Size: 1920x1222 | Tagged: safe, dragon, g4, my little pony: friendship is magic, official, rainbow falls, appleloosa, applewood, badlands, canterlot, cloudsdale, crystal empire, dodge city, dragons's lair, everfree forest, fillydelphia, griffonstone, hayseed swamp, hollow shades, manehattan, map, map of equestria, mountain, mountain range, our town, ponyville, trottingham, yakyakistan nyanve93