Fandom should reject shippings that aren’t clearly happening, but also accept those that are developed. Because it is also a part of their character development.
Anti-shippers should just shut up. The show has hardly any canon relationships. And making every character asexual and single is not only unrealistic but also retarded.
The show wasn’t created for them nor was it created for every shipping group. Is about characters who feel the wide human range of emotions, including love and attraction. While obviously not all of them are lesbians and most of their friendships are platonic, anti-shippers shoudn’t act like two ponies getting shipped in canon is some kind of a reason to Allah Ackbar themselves in the city center.
Fandom should reject shippings that aren’t clearly happening, but also accept those that are developed. Because it is also a part of their character development.
When you really think about it, looking at that Twitter post, the staffers’ way of leaving things ambiguous in the show is pretty much a win-win-win situation. It’s a win for either side of the fanbase’s viewpoints because each side can make their own conclusions, and it’s a win for the staffers because the debates help keep the fanbase alive and active.
In any case, I do very much enjoy this alternate cover. It’s a Hasbro-licensed MarbleMac drawing, which is enough to please the MarbleMac fans, and yet, since it’s only a convention cover, it also doesn’t say THAT much to begin with anyway so the anti-MarbleMac shippers shouldn’t be too worried either…though knowing how anti-shippers can get, that’s probably not gonna help much…
Well, let’s see…
Cheerimac became the “canon” BM ship after an episode that was specifically about them not getting together despite enormous outside pressure. So after an episode that has him smiling at a mare and blushing, I’m actually surprised at the fandom’s restraint.
@Background Pony #A4F5
In TUA’s defense, being abnormally laconic to the point of communicating entirely in binary responses is itself a defining character trait. Being quiet and “boring” isn’t the same as not having a personality.
As a counterpoint to TUA, the same thing applies to Marble Pie.
That’s some nice headcanon. I guess even Celestia is very much fleshed out for your standards too? Because i haven’t noticed how are his “yups” and “nopes” in any way relate to his reach personality without using headcanons.
@Background Pony #47C4
Is Hasbro approved. The main difference between fan art and this is that Big Mac would never made it into this scene with Twilight, Fluttershy or Caramel on the cover. Just because the show do not follow comics, doesn’t mean that they will allow them to do whatever they want with characters,
How can people create so much drama over a VARIANT cover?
Have they not yet realized that variant covers are essentially fan art that almost never have anything to do with the contents of a comic?
It’s been that way since the very first issue, and nearly 80 issues from various series later people still are surprised by this kind of thing?
Pinkie Pie ships it. I ship it. I prefer Shyceps over Fluttermac even though pairing-wise I think it works about as well as Marblemac (with shared singing talent instead of shared farmer family) because it, like Marblemac, was teased repeatedly in the actual episodes. (Though they had two episodes of canon interaction instead of just the one.)
Maybe pandering was the wrong word to use. Still, it’s gonna take a hell of a lot more then simple blushing to justify ever commercializing the pairing on a massive scale. The comic this variant is for doesn’t look like it’s gonna flesh it out though.
How can it be a pandering ship when it was first introduced in FiM as obviously romantic(implying anyone would believe that they’re blushing out of shyness when they never done it toward other characters). Is not like Dislestia or in this case, FlutterMac that was never a thing outside the fanon. THAT would be a huge fandom pandering. Only CheerileeMac would also had some canon reasons behind it but not anymore.
@Background Pony #904B
And I’m tired of people dismissing it as incest. Not only it was never confirmed that they are even slightly related. Even if they were, there is absolutley no real blood relation whatsoever. I myself am probably somehow related to half of the people in this comment section. And if the show makers don’t see anything wrong with the ship then people shoudn’t try to be smarter than people who spend days over making of every frame in that episode.
If they try commercializing it even further, then oh boy, that’d be a problem.
No offense to the people that like this ship, but unless this comic or a future episode expanded their possible relationship even further, it would seem like pandering on a massive level. This variant is already questionable enough as it is.