Rainbow struggled to keep her place in her song and keep her grip as she watched Fluttershy’s eyes light up as she realized she was doing it, the spray of pure white cloud skimmed from the gray they passed over was something the yellow pegasus had thought beyound her. Rainbow gloried in moments like this, where the other pegasus’ eyes shone with the pride of accomplishment as her nervousness and fear of failure fall away. She yearned to show Fluttershy everything that she could do in her rare moments of bravery that her anxiety kept her from doing in the normal moments of her life. The same way Fluttershy had given helped Dash and given Dash chances to shine throughout their lives.
It was Fluttershy who had shown Rainbow Dash how to put together music into a song, to arrange the words and put music to them. And most importantly to know how to “fall into the moment” and just let the music come from her emotions and express itself, as ponies frequently did. She wasn’t doing that now though. To put herself into the song right now would give things away too soon, and ruin weeks of secret planning and meeting with the songbird choir without telling Fluttershy.
She guided them into a slow curve that followed the same circular path, kicking up more puffy white cloud. By the time the song finished they’d have a private curtain of glimmering white surrounding them as she said the final lines. She hadn’t written those lines out in advance. Rainbow planned to let them come from her heart and let her heart say what she’d talked herself out of saying to Fluttershy too many times in the past.
The shining veil settled around them and Rainbow pulled Fluttershy gently to the center of the circle where they spun in place. She opened her mouth, and she sung to Fluttershy everything that was in her heart. And she sang about Fluttershy.