I would be open to the idea of an overseas pony empire invading Equestria for it’s magic rich land out of desperation and ambition, due to the empire’s homeland being tainted, overpopulated, disintegrating and losing magic.
You know, I think I know how this future was caused. The Plunder vines must have sucked all the magic out of Equestria, I think that’s what they do, and since all life needs magic, all life died. Shortly after the plunder vines died as well.
Surprisingly enough, if your enemy give you a compelling argument you are NOT going to automatically assume they are telling the truth and have your best interest at heart.
Especially if they are quite capable of magical manipulation.
You also don’t just give up an ideology that has dominated your whole life in a second when you find a compelling contradiction. Just imagine any person devoted to a caue -soldiers, believers, whatever. Even if you suddenly encountered overwhelming evidence, would you go “ok, I guess everything I believe in is wrong” or would you be like “, ok I need some time to process this and make sure this is not a trick and supported by other evidence”.
In the last season finale, the villain was defeated with an incredible magical power. This season the villain is defeated by proving that their very philosophy which they’ve based a lifetime’s worth of belief is wrong. If anything, this is a much more ‘final’ defeat since I could Tirek trying to go for another round if he had a chance, where it really wouldn’t make sense for Starlight to go evil again after seeing she almost killed everyone. Though I really hope TV Tropes has jumped the gun in adding her to the Main Character page, she’s just too similar to Twilight and doesn’t have an established role in the elements of harmony mythos. I wouldn’t mind seeing her as a recurring character, but she definitely doesn’t deserve a seat at the round table.