Background Pony #3D7C
it’s confirmed
pinkie pie is a time traveler
pinkie pie is a time traveler
t mind they like G4 but until they don
t offend G3. I`m here for G3 :)t hurt G3, if you don
t want to hurt G3 fans feelings. And dont tell me that G3 doesn
t have any fans ._. t like it. Yeah, i
m exist.@AnimagicWorld
What kind of world are you living in…
>G3 fan on a predominately G4 siteAlso, how do you think g3 is any good… like at all.
s not only G4 site if it has some previous gens arts and screens. I
m here only for G3 and G1, not for FiM. @AnimagicWorld
Indeed, G3 was great.