Viewing last 25 versions of post by MolagBaaal in topic New uploader here! Got some uploads delete, I don't know what I did wrong


Hey! So I've been playing with AI for about a year now, and I've decided to start uploading some of my gen here, but 4 out of the six I've posted got deleted, now, I suppose something was wrong? Maybe the tagging? But there's not notification nor nothing, so I don't know. I understand that giving reasons for every post deleted might be impossible, but I'm afraid to post something out of the guideline once again! Is there any way to know what was the problem?
(3 out of the 4 where SFW image!)

The only rule that COULD apply was to try and make the same style as an Artist, but my gen are made with a LoRA I've made myself with more than 800 images, without a specific aim for a specific artist
Reason: Re-read the rules to try and understand
Edited by MolagBaaal