Viewing last 25 versions of post by Beau Skunky in topic Beach Party RP (PG13/SFW)

Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Has jiggle physics
Well, I guess I'll go swimming.

*(Takes off shirt, oddly not caring about his chubby physique showing, and begins to saunter torwards the tide. He dips his toe in the water.)*
A little chilly, but nice.

CANONBALL! *(DBacks up, then dashes torwards the water, his comical flabby body jiggling with each step, as he dives into the water with a big splash.)*
Woohoo! Come in the water's great!

*(Sees red swim shorts float by that look like his.)* Uh oh...
No reason given
Edited by Beau Skunky