Viewing last 25 versions of post by marinus18 in topic Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General)


How so? Trump is part of the oligarchy and was born into the elite. I don't think there are many people in America who represent the oligarchy better than Trump does.
Their imposed and approved religion will be enforced even more. Where capitalists don't exist, the market is supposedly fair, corporations are never at fault, workers should only obey and not push back and any questioning of capitalist power is "radical left" and forbidden.

I mostly see the oligarch's power expand even more. With even harsher debts on students, more manipulation in the financial market, more duping poor people into debt and so on. Things that hurt society, the government and even the economy as a whole for the sake of the individual benefit of a few oligarchs.
No reason given
Edited by marinus18