Satu Putra
Derpibooru edition of a PokeFarm and Furbooru forum game. Have fun!
- Site rules apply.
- Words connected by the - symbol (like t-shirt and kirin-ified) count as one.
- You can add/remove words on your turn, but you can’t change anything else if you do so.
- You are only allowed to change the punctuation if you change the connected words.
- Have fun!
P1: Do the pegasi have pets?
P2: All the pegasi have pets.
P3: All pegasi have pets.
P4: All pegasi have adorable pets!
P5: All girls have adorable pets!
P2: All the pegasi have pets.
P3: All pegasi have pets.
P4: All pegasi have adorable pets!
P5: All girls have adorable pets!
I start!
Can you hug me?