Oh horseapples
<Wow, this was a long one. Our longest post yet in fact. And it was an ENORMOUS amount of work so all credit to ask-Stylus for making it look so amazing (in my own humble opinion). We also tried our hand at animating a moving gif for the first time this post, but we still have a lot to learn! Hopefully it doesnt kill your loading time.
So weve passed over our last milestone by a huge margarine since our last post. Like OMG, we dont even know what to do except say THANK YOU to all our followers for sticking with us thus far. Our next post should be the subscriber image and hopefully itll be coming soon before we move on to the next part of our story. Keep reblogging and sending in those asks though! Even if we dont get to you in the very next post, we will definitely get to you eventually!
Stylus has started to live stream almost daily while drawing, so if you want an exclusive sneak preview of our posts, or if you just want to help motivate our artist, please stop by often! Or you can simply follow noveltystylus for updates and sneak peeks in between posts. Cheerio!>