sable live with her mother a park ranger/tour guide
wen sable was a young filly she wen out hiking in summer camp
wen what appeared to be a falling star zoomed past the Montanan
and crashing in the forest causing a rockslide a huge bolder fell
on her smashing both her back legs .
and falling star, was a meteor.
the doctors had to amputate sable’s legs
or she would die .
she been in a wheelchair for most
of her life
sable’s dream of fallowing in father’s foot steps
and joining equestrian air force but it was just
two problems
- she not a pegasus like her father
and 2. disabled ponies can’t join the military
it seem all was lost
until she meet a hansom young Griffin inventor
who had something that no other Griffin has
a gear shape Cutie Mark he severed as
a member of the Griffin Guards chief engineer
and was now working on a top secret
projects for the equestrian Military
jet powered wings for none pegasus
and jet powered suits for pegasus
anthro exo suits for combat
and construction
it was then that the Griffin
used part of the meteor
to make sable prosthetic
and the two fall in
love with each other
and with her new
legs she was now able
join the air force
and is one of the
first to test out the
new jet powered wings
witch was powered
by peace of the meteor