MK 1 crossover
Pinkie Pie: I’m gonna force you to smile!
Omni man: I’m gonna rip your head off and see if you’ll still smile.
Omni-Man: You think it’s all a joke, but when I rip your jaw off, will you still be laughing?
Pinkie Pie: Ha, ha, ha! Why don’t you try it and we’ll see?
Pinkie Pie: What are 17 years of carnage compared to my eternity?
Omni-Man: You have no future, you’ll just be another corpse in my path
Pinkie Pie: “You know what’s sad? You didn’t care when you killed your ‘little friends’?
Omni-Man: They were a hindrance just like you.
Pinkie Pie: I did it with my friends, do we have to repeat the story?
Omni-Man: This time the only corpse will be yours.
Omni-Man: I’ve faced many like you, it’ll be easy
Pinkie Pie: They tried this before! Guess what… I’m still here smiling