“Hurry, Sunny!
Find princess Luster Dawn and stops this madness before the worlds collapse!
You might be need the help of some… old friends…?”
ok, that’s a quite funny story; it’s been a month since i’m working on this due to various commitments and work xD
and…i’m pretty proud of myself for the result. just wanted to experiment with coloring and effects.. and i guess it’s ok Eyes .
i always wanted to make one of those fanarts with “storytelling” and alternate universes of some fandom, and since the new generations of MLP has started,
I thought this was the right occasion to finally say goodbye to my childhood/teenhood during the previous series.
so I thought I’d pay homage to the franchise with something special.
so, according to some theories, i liked the idea that somehow (or somewhere ?) Princess Twilight might be become a kind of unique villain due to a terrible letdown.
and who could be good enough with magic to study, perfect, and enforce the spells of ancient wizards if not one of the best magic student we know best? Devilish
That was so fun to make!!
Let’s see if you can recognize all the characters and artefacts that appear in the drawing.. Giggle
After hundreds of centuries of realm, the ruler of Equestria has had to face several political changes, while also seeing fading her dream of a kingdom more united dim in the value of friendship.
Times became so hard that even for the princess of friendship it became more difficult to forge new bonds, in the years following the death of her most trusted friends, as well as members of her council.
The division of the tribes led the princess to give up hope in still believing in the value of friendship.
So the princess began an unstoppable quest to find another world (or another time?) where she could return to her previous life and thus get her old friends back.
And then… came a flash of inspiration.
Having already faced a powerful enemy who used an ancient time-travel StarSwirl’s spell, in the past, this was enough for Twilight to pick up the sorcerer’s ancient spellbook, to recreate it and… master it.
the wizard, long ago, had already experimented with such magic, having also created a mirror that acts as a portal to another world.
This was enough for the princess to grasp these elements to take inspiration to create a new and unique great enchantment that would enclose them all. Thanks also to her profound experience in magic; both as a student, as a teacher, and in her solitude.
This allowed her to be able to open dimensional passages in order to access any world or era that may be.
In her frustration and selfishness, Twilight became a very powerful enemy, which at the same time attracted the attention of our heroes.
After realizing the problems in the multiverse, Sunny had to exploit the rifts to seek out powerful allies to help her stop the chaos.
Thus finding herself making friends with unusual ponies, who in the past have had to do with the mysterious dark alicorn.
They should to combine all of their forces and their knowledge about Equestria to anticipate her moves …
character props:
program: ClipStudio Paint
tool: wacom intuos