Background Pony #7ECB
she a shame of what she have done, But lucky for her she now friends with them but the feeling of Guilty is there, She talk a lot With Princess Twilight or Princess Luna when she have Nightmare of it, Luna understand how she feel, Luna tell her she remorse of be Nightmare moon and is have take a long time to move on from it thanks of Friends, So ones Diamond feel ready to talk with her Friends , Twilight is they’re as Moral support, Of course Twilight tell them thing she have done she remorse and talk with the pony she screw up.. Like her dear old Friend Moon dancer, Even Moon Dancer who come visited Twilight hear the Princess of friendship talk of their little Problem, Moon Dancer, tell Diamond she can be lucky to Friends who will Support her, The CMC and Silver Spoon have Promise to be there for Diamond and not make the Mistake of Twilight of Ignore Moon dancer.. Well is take Twilight to understanding Friendship and become the Princess of Friends to try fix her mistake But sure their story is different but Twilight & Moon do not want Diamond feel sad for so long. So with Talk talking with Friends, Diamond slowing feel more better, sure she still a shame of be a bully, But now she Better Pony. she truly become the Pony she want to be and she more Friends she have before but now she is Happy