Headcanon sexualities for canon characters, as well as the ones for some of my next gen characters
Next Gen characters:
Artemis (Daughter of Daring Do and Ahuizotl) is aro ace
Lemon Star (Daughter of Lemon Hearts and Autumn Leaf) is aro ace
Harmony (Daughter of Moondancer and Crusoe Palm) is asexual
Cream Puff is bisexual
Luster Dawn (Daughter of Sunset Shimmer and human Flash) is bisexual
Luna Light (Youngest daughter of Twilight Velvet and Nigh Light) is bisexual
Sweet Red (Daughter of Pepper and Compass (two OCs)) is a lesbian
Dream Catcher (Daughter of Celestia and Sombra) is asexual
Lil’ Cheese is non-binary
Ember (Son of Minuette and Royal Pin) is pansexual
Cumulus (Adoptive son of Blossomforth and Cloud Kicker) is bisexual
Brutus (Son of Octavia; step-son of Vinyl Scratch) is bisexual
Meteorite (Son of Twilight Sky and Sunshine Smiles) is pansexual
Malachite (Daughter of Garble and Skystar) is an ace lesbian
Jewel (Daughter of Starlight Glimmer and Thorax) is biromantic asexual
Canon characters:
Autumn Blaze is aro ace
Pinkie is pansexual
Applejack is bisexual
Rara is bisexual
Zephyr Breeze is bisexual
Trenderhoof is bisexual
Twilight is biromantic demisexual
Rainbow is biromanric asexual (She only did it to have her kids)
Starlight is bironantic demisexual
Trixie is panromantic demisexual
Limestone Pie is biromantic asexual
Lyra is a lesbian
Bon Bon is a lesbian
Silver Script is pansexual
Star Bright is gay
Spitfire is demiromantic
Blossomforth is polysexual
Cloud Kicker is a lesbian
Tempest is bisexual
Sassy Saddles is a lesbian
Coco Pommel is bisexual
Vinyl Scratch is bisexual
Octavia is polysexual
Babs Seed is bisexual
Silver Spoon is a lesbian
Characters in this picture who are together in my next gen:
Sweet Red and Luna Light
Lil’ Cheese and Ember
Brutus and Meteorite
Lyra and Bon Bon
Applejack and Rara
Zephyr Breeze and Trenderhoof
Silver Script and Star Bright
Blossomforth and Cloud Kicker
Sassy Saddles and Coco Pommel
Vinyl and Octavia
Babs Seed and Silver Spoon
I think I should probably lay out what spectrums the polysexual characters have attractions to in this, at least for my reference
Blossomforth: Everyone but cis males
Octavia: Cis males and females, trans females
Jazz Apple (Silver Spoon and Babs Seed’s daughter): Cis males and females, non-binary ponies
Sorry for that being a lot