Shortly after Flurry Heart reformed Cozy Glow, She, Princess Twilight, Sunset, and Starlight had to temporarily punish her in some way for the damage she had done. They hosted a meeting to discuss this topic, while Cozy awaited her trials. They eventually came to an idea. As Flurry Heart’s friends joined her later that night, Cozy Glow was escorted by Flurry’s royal guard members, Diamond Tiara and Pound Cake.
Flurry: Okay, Cozy. You’re about to be imprisoned in stone for about 2 months. Can you handle it.
Cozy: Sigh It’s alright. After everything that’s happened, I accept this fate. Besides, when I was imprisoned with Tirek and Chrysalis, it just felt like a long sleep.
Diamond: Once we free you from stone, we’ll keep you updated.
Cozy: Nods
Apple Bloom: Ya ready for this, gals?
The rest of the CMC: Ready!
The CMC get into their formation, but Cozy Glow interrupts.
Cozy: Wa-wa-wait! Can I at least do a dramatic pose?
Sweetie Belle:…What do you guys think?
The 6 ponies mutter in agreement
Dinky Doo: Sure
Apple Bloom: Makes sense…
Scootaloo:…not a bad idea…
Flurry: It’s true…
Silver Spoon: It could give you some style.
On a nearby pillar, Cozy Glow gets into a dramatic position and holds it.
Cozy: Okay, let’s do it!
The CMC reform their position. As hooves are held, they begin to float in the air and their cutie marks glow. Flurry’s mane begins flows like Aunt Twilight’s and Sunset’s. The friendship releases an invisible, powerful beam, that incases Cozy Glow in stone.
Pouncake: Alright, now let’s head home. It’s been a long day.
Used content by VenomTwT-ArtistOWO, Parcly-Taxel, EROCKERTORRES, davidsfire, etc.