Background Pony #198E
So Fireweed finally sees that Tempest is not the same pony who took the life of his and Thistle’s father who she indirectly caused since she protected Thistle from the dark crystal’s power but it did manage to wound here but the Thunderstone essence died in vain that it failed to kill Thistle.
By the time Fireweed finds the necessary items to help save his sister’s life which he indirectly caused, he might notice Lullaby is nowhere inside the cabin and inform Tempest and Thistle what happen that she’s gone.
And maybe he’ll finally see that his sister and future sister-in-law were telling the truth all along about Rusty that he had bad ulterior motives by bringing harm to others like Lullaby and Thistle and use them as collateral damage for the sake of revenge without Fireweed’s knowledge and Rusty kept some secrets from him.
Hope by chance that they smell smoke and see fire coming from the direction of the forest Lullaby and Rusty are at and hopefully a rescue mission is on the way