Sunset could not wait until the she reach the next Snack Bar.
So she grabbed the next best Thing, she could eat.
Nearby, three Girls were playing hide and seek, hoping to get their Cutie Marks.
Sunset had an easy Game with them.
After two Girls were hiding and the third one was still counting, she grabbed the first Girl, shrunk it with her remaining Magic and stuffed the screaming Girl into her Mouth and swallowed her alive.
Some strong Gulps later, she slipped into Sunsets waiting Stomach.
Luckily the other Girls had hear nothing of their Friends Screams, so soon the second hidden Girl was folowing her Friend into Sunsets waiting Stomach.
The third Girl, a red haired one with a big Bow was done with counting, turned around and was looking in the giant Cave of Sunsets Mouth.
A swift Flick with her Tongue, and the last Girl disapeared between Sunsets Lipps.
Sunset used some of her Magic to let the Girls grow enough, so her Stomach was completly filled, without showing a Bugle in her Body.
“That was tasty.” she said, “Now I just need a nice Place to digest this three Fillys.”
It will need Sunset some Days to digest them without leaving any Traces.
While she could feel the strong Movements in her Bally she thought: “Free Food is always the best.”
A quick made Mix of
1996550 and
1980671 into an Vore Art.