Title: “The Last Roundup (Fun Fact in the Desc.)”
This piece in particular is really special to me and I’m very pleased with how it came out, read all about why below.
Fun fact/story about this image.
This piece is a throwback to the scene from the season 2 episode ‘The Last Roundup’, the one where Pinkie has to go to the bathroom really bad and uses the outhouse at the train station.
On one hoof, this is actually something I wanted to draw a long time ago, but on the other hoof, this is something I’ve been wanting to draw even more so now and here’s why.
When I was just becoming a newbie in the Brony fandom, this scene was actually one of the very first clips of FiM I had ever seen.
I vividly remember that night in mid 2013 when I was just surfing YouTube on my laptop at my uncle’s place.
I remember thinking the scene was awkward, but there was just something about the look of the show that just really drew me in further, even though I was still in the stage of ‘This is silly, boys like myself shouldn’t be watching this… what am I doing?…’.
So in a funny way, without that scene and it being uploaded to YouTube as a clip… I just might have never become a Brony and may have later ended my life because it was really falling apart of the time, but of course, the show and the fandom have saved my life over the past decade.
So… thank you, Pinkie Pie for simply needing to tinkle in that moment, you indirectly saved a life.^^ /)